July 5, 2006

If Madonna can write a childrens book so can I!!

I have a fictional friend who does Mad drugs, one day in seattle I saw him doing this...

Which led me to a little of this...

which led me to a little of this (I'm the one in the dress, don't my legs look great!)

Which according to the news led to this...Oopsie!

Which ended up alright because it led to a little of this, Hello Mr. firefighter!

What do you think? Let me know
Madonna if your reading this don't get angry, I love your work!


Keith Kimmel said...

freakin crazy ....
hope the Junkie Don't Die ...


"every junky's like the setting sun"

visit my blog if you get chance ....

be well,


Douglas said...

Wait, What...?

Spence-a-lick said...

I always knew those pumps would look good on you.