May 23, 2009

GAY 101

I may make that the new title of the blog, I had dinner with an old friend tonight, a guy I went to high school with who came out about a year ago, which is hilarious because I knew he was gay 15 years ago in high school, I told him that, he didn't think it was funny. Clearly It was.
He's so new to it all, it was great catching up and while I was there once, I couldn't really relate, well, I could relate on a level of learning and growing, but not what he was going through, I like to think I know what its like to be gay, I've been out for 13 years, he's been out for 1 and he isn't even out to everyone, to me that's not even being out, I said something to the effect "...Oh god I would never date someone who wasn't totally out and still in gay adolescence ..." Instantly I saw a change in his face, and while I felt slightly bad because I'm human, I'm also an adult and realized he need to hear it, but I thought, do I know what it is to be gay and date? I should, I've dated a lot of guys (and by dated I mean Fucked, and by guys I mean hundreds) he also talked about how he's mature and has his shit together, this made me realize just because you "have your shit together" doesn't mean your not also a Hot Tranny Mess in other areas, so maybe I'm not the professor of Gay 101 and believe me thats fine, but let me just say This about That, I WAS Smart enough to take Gay 101 in high school and not in my thirties Bitches.

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